1060 N Vignes Parking Lot
Under our IDIQ on-call construction cost estimating contract with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LADPW), PCG was tasked to develop a conceptual cost estimate to convert a property located at 1060 North Vignes Street in Los Angeles, California into a parking lot. The site is approximately 4 acres with 3 acres mostly paved by concrete and approximately 1 acre that is currently dirt. This site will provide parking for 560 standard vehicles. In addition, 500 parking lift devices and appropriate power sources was an alternate estimated for the project.
The County is looking to lease a private property for the purposes of using this lot as a temporary parking lot for a period of 10 years during the construction of a large county facility. The conceptual cost estimate included the construction costs associated with:
Improving the existing lot and convert it into a temporary parking lot with some minor grading work, SWPPP requirements, drainage, paving, striping, lighting, signage, operable vehicle entrance gate, etc.
The cost of the environmental cleanup of this lot was based on an Environmental Site Assessment report prepared by Alta Environment.